
Kotlin library containing various functions that can be used accross android projects

License: MIT contributions welcome HitCount



mandatory to be injected in the Application class as follows: @Inject lateinit var mInjectable: QuickInjectable

pref(): function used to save and retreive from the shared preference

clickGuard(): function used to prevent multi-rapid clicks on a view

currentActivity: function used to retrieve the current active activity


mandatory to be created in the application module if notifications are used in the project:

initializer: mandatory function that will create a channel notification which can be used then across the application after being initialized from the application module


Used to calculate the internet consumption of the application in a month. The Consumption is automatically reset every 30 days

check: call the following function from the MainActivity

To check the consumption:

  val currentMonthDownloadConsumption = QuickTrafficCalculator.TOTAL_SAVED_DOWNLOAD_TRAFFIC_KEY.rzPrefVal<Long>() * 0.001 * 0.001
  val currentMonthUploadConsumption = QuickTrafficCalculator.TOTAL_SAVED_UPLOAD_TRAFFIC_KEY.rzPrefVal<Long>() * 0.001 * 0.001


object used to perform logging:

Example use:

    QuickLogWriter.errorLogging("No results", e.toString())
    QuickLogWriter.debugLogging("Printing matches")
    QuickLogWriter.getCallerClass(3)// retrieves the calling method, line etc
    QuickLogWriter.logErrorHelper(callingMethod, msg, logFileNameTemp, error, FolderName, false)
    QuickLogWriter.appendContents("$logFileNameTemp.txt", msg, false, FolderName, false)


service used to check for a valid internet connection when the application is in foreground:

Example use:

        fun unRegisterConnectionCheckerServiceReceiver(bManager: LocalBroadcastManager) {
        fun registerConnectionCheckerServiceReceiver(bManager: LocalBroadcastManager) {
            val intentFilter = IntentFilter()
            bManager.registerReceiver(mConnectionBroadcastReceiver, intentFilter)
        private var mConnectionCheckerServiceConnection: ServiceConnection? = null
        fun bindToConnectionCheckerService() {

            mConnectionCheckerServiceConnection = QuickInternetCheckService.bindToConnectionCheckerService(mConnectionCheckerServiceConnection, mContext)

        fun unBindToConnectionCheckerService(){

            QuickInternetCheckService.unBindToConnectionCheckerService(mConnectionCheckerServiceConnection, mActivity)
        private val mConnectionBroadcastReceiver = object : BroadcastReceiver() {
         override fun onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent) {
         when {
                    intent.action == QuickInternetCheckService.KEY -> when {
                        intent.getBooleanExtra(QuickInternetCheckService.IS_ONLINE_KEY, true) -> {
                        else -> view?.setConnectionMenuItem(R.drawable.ic_offline)

Other Tools:


Base Classes

Contains 8 different base classes that can be used accross the app

BaseModel: base model class used as a supert type which helps in accessing the SQLITE database functions

BasePresenter: presenter class in MVP architecture used to as a super type defined with a BaseViewInterface class and a BaseModel Class

BaseViewInterface: view class in MVP architecture used as a super type on an interface class

BaseActivity: activity class defined with a BasePresenter and implements a BaseViewInterface as per the MVP architecture

BaseViewModel: view-model class which implements the LifecycleObserver

MVVMFragment: fragment class defined with a BaseViewModel

MVPFragment: fragment class defined with a BasePresenter class and implements a BaseViewInterface

MVPFragmentDialog: fragment class defined with a BasePresenter class and implements a BaseViewInterface


QuickActivityExtensions: Contains extensions that can be used on an activity

QuickExtensions: Contains general extensions like shared preference saving and retreiving

QuickNotificationExtensions: Contains NotificationCompat.Builder extensions

QuickUIExtensions: Contains UI helper extensions


Contains 6 different util object each containing a set of functions related to a certain aspect

QuickAppUtils: Contains general functions related to the device Example: isNetworkAvailable, VersionNameā€¦

QuickDateUtils: Contains general functions related to fetching the current date

QuickDBUtils: Contains general functions related to initializing an SQLITE database file from the assets folder and performing select queries

QuickFileUtils: Contains general functions related to working with files and directories

QuickUIUtils: Contains general functions related showing an alert dialog, notifications, animate backgroundā€¦

QuickUtils: Contains general functions

All Types